Saturday, July 26, 2014

It's a Summer Day for Laundry!!

I don't know about you but I love doing laundry! And I love hanging my sheets out on the clothesline every chance I can get!!! There is nothing like the smell of fresh sheets on the bed!!!

Which got me thinking about laundry rooms. I came across this picture by accident trolling other websites for ideas like I usually do Saturday mornings while enjoying my coffee. And came across this photo.

Whew, that's one big laundry room!!!

I don't have a laundry room per se. After 8 years of living in my home, I have yet to be able to finish the basement. Other than the insulation being up, I have never been able to afford what it would cost to have it exactly the way I would want. I once priced it out and it actually came to about $25,000. That's a lot of freaking money. I often wished that I could call on "Bryan" from HGTV (have I got that right?) to plead with him to take pity on me and do my basement. 
Yeah right, like that will ever happen!!

But a girl can dream. 
If I had one wish, one wish, I would love the perfect laundry room.
Here's are some ideas I found that would do just fine!!

I would actually love to have a laundry room right off the entrance to my back door. So close to the clothesline, and would serve as a mud room as well. But I would have to move.

And to have a place to bathe the dogs...OMG...that would be even more ideal!!!

But I could compromise, and any one of these would do just fine!

Just love this color!!!  And it's so charming!!

How about a TV?

I'm glad I have a window in the laundry room. I think it would be just too dark without one. But hey, you gotta work with what you have, right? Right!!

Ok, I'm off to buy a lottery ticket. Maybe...just maybe...but I won't hold my breath!!!

Enjoy your day folks!!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Switching Things Up!

I need to switch things up every once in awhile. I get visually agitated when I see the same arrangement everyday! I'm definately OCD! So in preparation for guests coming to celebrate my mom's 90th birthday, I went at it with full force. There are a lot of things I wish I could buy and decisions to make that I can't seem to make a decision on, but in the end, you just have to work with what you have.

But it's amazing what a little paint, some serious re-arranging, and cleaning can make your home feel like new again.

So I repainted the front door because it looked dull from the weather, re-painted the inside door because it too had scratches from the dogs pawing at the door when company comes. Spray painted the fireplace screen so it looked like new. and repainted the fireplace, to remove the smoke stains from the fires we've had throughout the winter. 

Wanting to keep with the theme of summer "beach" look which I don't have a lot of "beachy" things, just a few changes to make it more interesting. So here are some of my changes.

I had some driftwood, so I just wrapped rope around the vase, and placed the vase with some hydrangeas I had for color on top of the driftwood and this is what the outcome looks like!

Not too bad looking eh??

Then I carried the theme to the mantle! I have a friggin long mantle. If I had my wish I would remove the brick and build a new one entirely. However, not in the budget, but this is what I did .

I also wrapped rope around the vase to keep with the theme.

Then I decided to rearrange the dining room. Again working with what I have. 

Sometimes these little changes can make the whole home feel new! 

I think I'm ready for my guests, although I know it's not what matters to them, it's me and the celebration of my mom's 90 birthday, but I'm home proud, and always enjoy how visually satisfied I feel after I make these changes. That in itself can be a great antidepressant!!!
Cheers to a great day!!

In Need of a good laugh!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Gone but Hopefully Not Forgotten!

This has been one freaking crazy year for me. I lost my job, my mom is suffering with cancer, and it's just chaallenging to see the joy in life!

But every once in awhile you just got to get up and try to fall back on the things you enjoyed and loved so much regardless of what the challenges are.

So I turn, superficially for some, but for me a great love, home decor.

Here are a few inspirational finds I found today!
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Life can be cruel sometimes, and the jolts are rude awakenings that life can be fragile. It's easy to just want to sleep the hurt away, to wish it all to end. I've been there. So scared, so petrified of the unknown, that I couldn't even contemplate any reason to go on. What's the use if life was going to be this difficult.

But my friends, my family, and the folks on social media gave me reason to hope. And when I started to have the faith, as they did in me, I turned things around. My mom won't recover but that's the cycle of life and I treasure every moment we spend together now.

I have a full time job now, were doing better, and maybe it's not perfect, or even great, it's what it is. And sometimes, in face of a challenge you just got to meet it head on and say I'm strong, and I'll beat this!!

Carry on and keep on truckin.!