Monday, February 17, 2014

Black Is The New White?

According to stylist Lotta Agaton black will be the new white in 2014!
I love black! A room, in my opinion, is not finished unless it has some striking black features, whether that be a bold light fixture, or a black wall mirror. Black makes a room look sexy, doesn't it!
And even though I'm not sure I would go with a completely black interior, although I'v seen some rooms that really impressed me and have seriously tempted me, I think I would find it overall a tad too dark!
What do you think?

I think I would prefer my black to be on the outside of the house! In fact I am so seriously tempted to paint my house black if it wasn't for the siding already on my house. I investigated whether it could be done, to paint over siding, only to find that siding expands and contracts in seasons, and painting it a darker color than it is already is asking for big trouble!

So I guess I'll just dream of one for now!!

Have a look and tell me what you think?

 From Chester Nova Scotia, my home province, is designed by Nicholaas Spencer Lewin! Absolutely Love it!! 

And here are some others!

I would take any one of these houses. And I would take advantage of it's versality by adding a pop of color to the door or trim.  I think Black is positively bewitching, and charming! I find it has that Old World Charm that I long for!!
Black is not just for Halloween!!