Friday, November 1, 2013

Change Creates More Change!

Like many of us you have to work with what you have. It's nearly impossible sometimes to always go out and purchase what we want. So we recycle constantly. 
Remember this picture of my breakfast nook?

Well I used some of those things I had in the breakfast nook for my new arrangement in my living room.

So now I had to change the breakfast nook ! See what I did.

What do you think? I think it needs something to balance on the otherside or maybe the leaves hanging from the ladder is too much!  Although those leaves look a lot brighter in the pic than they seem to do in real life. Anyway, it's a work in progress!! 

It's Rainy Outside, But It's Toasty Inside!

I have to admit I love rainy and windy autumn days. And in Nova Scotia, when the weather is over cast, the autumn colors always seem so much more vibrant. Although it's not cold outside , a balmy 14 degrees, I want to put on a fire anyway! here are a few pictures of what my home looks like today!

I just love a roaring fire and lighted candles. I think I'll just sit awhile and enjoy the ambience!!
I hope you're enjoying your day today!