Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I have a particular fondness for Azaleas. I love their dainty leaves, and the flowers can be most spectacular! 

Here is a picture of my favorite Spring flower Azalea "Cannon's Double"

The buds are a very deep peachy pink but open with these lovely blossoms of yellow touched with peach colored flowers. So beautiful! And the SCENT, just heavenly!!! I love this flower so much! It's just a joy to be around. Whenever I'm gardening around I have to stop...and just breath in it's most extradorinary fragrance.

This Azalea is grown in full sun, but can withstand partial shade. Loves Acidic soil, and blooms should be cut immediatly after flowering to ensure good blooms for next year. We don't want all the plants energy going into making seed!!

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Although I do not have a very good Camera, ...actually no camera as I use my Asus tablet, it does the job fine...for now!!

Happy gardenoing folks!