Tuesday, November 26, 2013

You Know You're a Serial Decorator When...

I recently became aware of the term Serial Decorator and instantly I chuckled to myself. OMG that is what I am!
How can you tell?
Well, here are the signs!
1. Your family is no longer suprised at the new arrangement in the living room or any room for that matter.
2. You're hiding your decor purchases from your family because "yes you did really need that new pillow!"

3. Your storage room looks like Michaels and Home Sense!

4. You take more pictures of your interior than you do of your family!
5. You spend hours working on an arrangement without a care for anything like supper!

6. You walk into a decor boutique, and instantly feel the need to straighten the display because you think it could have been done better.
7. Although you just put up the Christmas tree, decorations and all, only to find you hate it and will take it all down to start again.
8. You get really excited when you see a decor that you absolutly love whether it be on the internet or in a movie and instantly want to change your living room!
9. You insist you bought the wrong paint color, and must repaint the entire Living Room wall, while the family looks on in dismay because they can't tell the difference between the 2 colors!

10. And lastly you give your dream home more consideration than you do your bucket list. In fact that is your bucket list!!
 So whether you're OCD or just a women doing her thing, I say go forth and decorate! Haven't the family learned anything! If she aint happy ain't nobody happy!!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lest we forget!

In my family, we hardly spoke about "the war". Both my grandmother and my mother survived the Nuremberg bombing. But it wasn't easy. Their tales were not easily told and mixed with so much  "survivor's remorse" or guilt that oftentimes the subject was avoided because it brought on such heart ache.

I, of course, could only imagine what they went through. Years later while visiting Nuremberg, I had opportunities to see the bomb shelters many Germans fled to during the war. One room "caves". I know they had to forage for food often living days or weeks on potatoes and bread. My mom once told me that it became their job to pick up body pieces for identification.
I can only imagine what that must have been like.
My mom is almost 90. She emigrated to Canada shortly after the war. My grandmother followed a few years later after I was born.
Here is a picture of my mom taken a couple of years ago! That's me, on the left! We were attending the 100th aniversary of the Titantic sinking.
Since then my mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to both lungs and her spine.
The point of this post, is to remember those that not only fought in the war(s) but those who actually lived through it! These people did not ask for war. Nor did they condone whatever actions war had brought them or asked of them to accept. The innocent are literally caught in the crosshairs of a maniacal few, their lives changed forever.
I pay tribute to my mom and grandmother, the children in Dafur, the child soldiers of Somalia, the innocent women and children in Iran and Afghanistan.
And to the women and children, of the many men asked to serve their country, whose loved one was never returned home.

The famous "Wait For Me Daddy" photo by Claude P. Dettloff in New Westminster, Canada taken on October 1, 1940. The picture says it all.

God Bless those that are still fighting and especially those living through it as we speak!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Movember Me!!

There are many reasons why women should support Movember,  a movement, if you hadn't heard, is where men grow mustaches for one month to raise money for important men's health issues like prostrate cancer which 1 in 6 US men will be diagnosed with.
They say that a man is more likely to be diagnosed with prostrate cancer 35% more times than a women is to be diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
However, all that aside for a moment, what I like about Movember is it gets people talking about men's issues which has been long considered a taboo, but also encourages men to use November as a chance to have their annual checkup!!

So Be a Mo Sista and support your Mo Bro, and I'll support YOU by strolling down Movember lane and movembering all those mustached darlings we dream about every day!!

As you can tell from my selection, I like more than just a mustache, I like that rough, 5 o'clock shadow thing happening!!

Ahhh...George Clooney and Liam Neeson!

Alan Rickman and Robert Downey Jr.

Johnny Depp and Tom Selleck

Pierce Brosnan and Alex Trebeck

Those eyes! That Italian...(swoon) Raoula Bova!

Robin Hood!


Ryan Gossling and Michael Fassbender

There you have it, my Movember List!

Do you have a special MO Bro in your life?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another Rainy Day In Nova Scotia!

It`s been a rainy dull weekend in Nova Scotia! 

I hope you`re enjoying your weekend! 

I'm All hung Up!

I must be OCD because for the life of me, I can't, just can't decide what to hang on my walls of my home! Perhaps it's the fear of putting too many nails in my wall,or perhaps it's the struggle of finding that perfect picture or combination of things to hang on my walls.
What I do know, is what I like. 

So organic and simple!

Again, simple but makes a statement!

This, I want!! This is perfect!

Wrought iron is like bringing the garden in!

Perfect collection of prints!

How about a portrait. Love this!

Don't forget the family!

Black and white sketch drawings of animals goes with every decor!

Or just a beautiful mirror!

A world map, for the world traveller. 

In place of a picture a wallpapered wall!

Something colorful to finish the look!

To add visual interest!


Wildlife that's bold and stunning. This picture would look good anywhere!! I love this!!!

Perhaps it`s just a matter of not having enough walls to do all the things I want or perhaps as I said I haven`t collected enough of what I want or found the perfect picture but what I do know is this...I`m definitly all hung up!